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This Month

This month, we were unable to meet weekly, but I was able to learn more details about the different types of work in the lab. We were also able to begin brainstorming ideas for a possible project. 

Illustrated White Cats

More Details... 

During December's meetings, my advisor gave me a few different presentations about the various responsibilities of the lab. I learned about receiving and collecting samples. Samples come in each morning and can come from right off the shelf, the company, or they can be sent in. I also learned that besides milk testing, the lab tends to test foods for babies and younger children. For example apple sauce and different baby foods and tested often. The lab may test these samples over and over to make sure their results are reliable. 

I was also given a presentation on one of the types of testing they do. This specific test is used for milk. The Mojonnier fat method separates the fat from the milk to make sure that the levels are not too high or low to be consumed by the public. 

At the end of one of our meetings, we began to talk about how this information could be accessible to the public. We thought it was important that people are able to understand the work that goes on in the lab. We used the videos as a starting idea and thought we could make more that are simple to understand. They could then be published and made available to citizens in New York. 

December 18, 2021

Illustrated White Cats
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